1091 Infirmary Road, Elyria, OH 44035

(440) 329-3734
Business Dept fax (440) 322-2683
HR Dept fax (440) 284-0001

Six Through High School

Birth to Age Three (3) | Ages Three (3) Through Age Five (5) | Six Through High School

Services Available:

Boy in wheelchair holding red and blue starFamily Support Services, Murray Ridge School, Service & Support Administration (SSA), Behavior Support Planning Services


  • For Family Support Services, a child must be determined eligible for county board services. To initiate an eligibility assessment, contact SSA Intake at (440) 324-2366. Families of eligible individuals must submit an application with financial information to the Family Support Coordinator.  For more information, click on this link for the Family Support Services tab.
  • To attend Murray Ridge School, a child must be referred to us by the local school district.
  • For SSA, a child must be determined eligible for county board services. For more details, please see “Additional Eligibility Criteria for County Board Services.”
  • Behavior Support Planning Services are available only based upon an assessed need for this intervention.


  • County Board Eligibility: Families can expect a determination within 45 days of the completion of the eligibility assessment and receipt of required documentation.
  • Family Support Services: Requests are considered by the Family Support Parent Committee on a monthly basis with support available at the beginning of the next calendar quarter (January 01, April 01, July 01, and October 01).
  • Murray Ridge School: If Murray Ridge School is identified as the setting, the child will be enrolled at our school and attend in accordance with timelines set in the IEP.
  • SSA: If county board eligible, services will begin within 60 days of referral.
  • Behavior Support Planning Services: In order to access these services an SSA must have been assigned and conducted a needs assessment indicating the need for this.  Services will begin within 45 days of referral for services.


For additional information regarding our school, contact the Murray Ridge School at (440) 329-3760 or email dswift@murrayridgecenter.org.

For additional information about the other services available, please email intake@murrayridgecenter.org.

Eligibility Criteria for County Board Services:

For services other than our school, individuals ages 6 through high school graduation are required to meet county board eligibility requirements.  All of the following criteria must be met by individuals applying for county board services:

  1. The individual must have a documented diagnosis of a developmental disability made by a qualified professional.
  2. The individual must have a physical or mental impairment other than mental illness.
  3. The onset of the disability must be documented as occurring prior to the age of 22.
  4. The individual’s disability must be likely to continue indefinitely.

After the above criteria are met, an eligibility determination instrument will be administered by a trained evaluator from the county board.  The individual/family is responsible for securing all necessary documents to confirm the individual’s identity and any applicable diagnosis.  To determine eligibility, the Children’s Ohio Eligibility Determination Instrument (COEDI) is administered to children ages 6-15, and the Ohio Eligibility Determination Instrument (OEDI) is administered to individuals, age 16 and up.

After SSA Intake receives all required documents certifying identity and developmental disability, an appointment to administer either the COEDI or OEDI, as appropriate, will be scheduled with the individual and significant other as soon as possible.   Within 45 days of the completion of the appropriate eligibility instrument, the individual is notified of the eligibility status.  County Board eligibility status receives final approval at a monthly agency Eligibility Team meeting.  Additional assessments and admission criteria may be required to access specific programs.

For additional information please call SSA Intake at (440) 324-2366 or email intake@murrayridgecenter.org.

< 2025 >