1091 Infirmary Road, Elyria, OH 44035

(440) 329-3734
Business Dept fax (440) 322-2683
HR Dept fax (440) 284-0001

Birth Through Five

Birth to Age Three (3) | Ages Three (3) Through Age Five (5) | Six Through High School

Birth to Age Three (3):

Services Available:

Early Intervention (EI), Family Support Services



  • County Board Eligibility: Families can expect a determination within 45 days from the date of the Early Intervention referral.
  • Early Intervention: If eligible, the child’s EI team will meet to plan services within the same initial 45 days, and services will begin within 30 days from plan development.
  • Family Support Services: If eligible, an application with financial information is submitted for consideration to the Family Support Coordinator. Upon receipt of the necessary information, requests are processed by the Family Support Parent Committee on a monthly basis with support available at the beginning of the next calendar quarter (January 01, April 01, July 01, and October 01).


For additional information contact Heather Knoble, our EI Supervisor, at (440) 284-3655 or email hknoble@murrayridgecenter.org.

Eligibility Criteria for County Board Services:

Children (birth to age three [3]) can be determined eligible for EI services in one of the following ways via the Early Intervention rule:

  1.  A child has a 25% delay in one or more areas of development (cognitive, communication, motor, self help, social emotional) as determined by an evaluation team (such as a Developmental Specialist, an RN, a teacher, social worker, speech therapist, etc.);
  2. A child has a medical condition diagnosed by a physician that puts them at risk for a developmental delay or disability (a comprehensive list of eligible diagnoses is available at ohioearlyintervention.org). See your doctor and discuss with your service coordinator if your child has a diagnosis not on this list;
  3. The evaluation team determines the child eligible through an Informed Clinical Opinion (re-determined annually, per the team’s professional judgment);
  4. A child has already been determined eligible for Early Intervention services in another Ohio county and is transferring to Lorain County.
  5. A child referred who was determined Part C eligible in accordance with the procedures of an Early Intervention system outside of Ohio as evidenced by an IFSP.

* Once determined eligible, all children must demonstrate a need for EI services. All children must be re-determined annually for need of service. *

Birth to Age Three (3) | Ages Three (3) Through Age Five (5) | Six Through High School

Ages Three (3) Through Age Five (5)

Services Available:

Murray Ridge Preschool, Family Support Services, Service & Support Administration (SSA)


  • For our Preschool, age-eligible children with disabilities must be referred to us through the local school district. School districts make referrals based on the recommendation of the Individual Education Plan (IEP) team, on which the parent participates. Parents who would like more information or a tour for planning purposes should call Murray Ridge School at (440) 329-3760.
    • NOTE: Typically-developing “peers” are also admitted to our preschool program. Preschool applications for upcoming preschool year will generally be available by February. Preschool applications for typically-developing children can be obtained by calling Murray Ridge School at (440) 329-3760.
  • For Family Support Services, a child must be determined eligible for county board services. To initiate an eligibility assessment, contact SSA Intake at (440)324-2366. Families of eligible individuals must submit an application with financial information to the Family Support Coordinator. For more information, click on this link for the Family Support Services tab.
  • For SSA, a child must be determined eligible for county board services. To initiate an eligibility assessment, contact SSA Intake at (440) 324-2366.


  • Murray Ridge Preschool: Children with disabilities will be enrolled at our preschool and attend in accordance with timelines set in the IEP. For information regarding time lines associated with determination of eligibility for an IEP, contact the local school district.
  • County Board Eligibility: Families can expect a determination within 45 days of referral and receipt of required documentation by SSA Intake.
  • Family Support Services: Requests are considered by the Family Support Parent Committee on a monthly basis with support available at the beginning of the next calendar quarter (January 01, April 01, July 01, and October 01).
  • SSA: If county board eligible, services will begin within 60 days of referral.


For additional information regarding our Preschool, contact the Murray Ridge School at (440) 329-3760 or email dswift@murrayridgecenter.org.

For additional information about the other services available, please contact Intake at the SSA Office at (440) 324-2366 or email jbender@murrayridgecenter.org.

Eligibility Criteria for County Board Services:

Children (ages 3-5) can be determined eligible for county board services in two (2) ways:

  1. The child has a current biological risk, such as a medical condition diagnosed by a qualified professional, which places the child at risk for developing a developmental delay or a developmental disability.
  2. The child has an identified developmental delay in two or more of the following areas: cognition, communication, motor, self-help, and social-emotional.  (Developmental delays are identified by credentialed professionals.)
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