1091 Infirmary Road, Elyria, OH 44035

(440) 329-3734
Business Dept fax (440) 322-2683
HR Dept fax (440) 284-0001


DODD Provider Search Tool

This link provides online access to a searchable listing of providers certified by the Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities

This web search tool is designed to help individuals, families and county boards search for providers of a variety of services for Ohioans with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities. Providers of Medicaid waiver services such as Adult Day Support, Supported Employment, Transportation, and  Homemaker Personal Care can be found here. Additionally, the tool includes a listing of Intermediate Care Facilities for Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities (ICFsIID). Providers of Supported Living services are also included.

The references and resources that you acquire in connection with this tool are not specifically endorsed by the Lorain County Board of Developmental Disabilities or any of its employees. The County Board is not responsible for the content of any resource data or links included within this provider listing.

Care Choice Referral Portal

Murray Ridge Center has implemented the Care Choice Referral Portal which is designed to significantly improve the provider search process for eligible individuals served in Lorain County. This system, which is coordinated by the agency’s Service and Support Administration Department (SSA), went live in August 2023.

The new Referral Portal:

  • Will make it easier for individuals to find providers.
  • Allows SSAs to send out an individual profile through email blast to certified providers wishing to provide services to individuals in Lorain County.
  • Makes it easier for providers to review, track and manage referrals.
  • Will also make it easier for providers to directly promote their services to individuals who need services.

By logging onto https://lcbddproviders.org/login.aspx, providers will be able to connect with current individuals looking for services in Lorain County. If you are a certified provider and would like to have access to this search portal please contact jmsmith@murrayridgecenter.org  Individuals who receive waiver services in Lorain County also have the ability in the new portal to post a profile on the provider search portal to get connected to providers who are looking to serve their needs.

For more information, contact Jessica Smith of the SSA Department at (440) 324-2366 or at jmsmith@murrayridgecenter.org.

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