1091 Infirmary Road, Elyria, OH 44035

(440) 329-3734
Business Dept fax (440) 322-2683
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Supported Living


The Supported Living Program enables eligible consumers to live in community settings with three or fewer other individuals with disabilities. Each Supported Living recipient, with the assistance of family or other advocates, designs the service “package” necessary to support him/her in the setting of choice. The goal is to maximize each consumer’s potential for independence and self-determination. Service providers are certified by the Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities, and under contract with the Lorain County Board of Developmental Disabilities.

Settings for Service Delivery Include:

  • Individual’s own apartment
  • Small group settings within the community
  • Foster family homes

Parameters of Service

Apartment Support

Eligible individuals include people with developmental disabilities who reside in their own apartment in the community. Caregivers provide limited support services necessary for consumers to be successful in this setting (for example:  assistance with medical care, benefits assistance, money management), which are identified in the Individual Service Plan.

Housing Board Option/Small Group Setting

The Murray Ridge Housing Corporation is a non-profit housing board affiliated with the Lorain County Board of DD. Consumers pay rent to Murray Ridge Housing Corporation, which acts as landlord. Groups of four individuals are placed in each home.

Caregivers provide assistance/skill development with a broad range of daily living tasks, which are identified in Individual Service Plans.


Supported Living consumers, with the assistance of family and other advocates, may select an Ohio DODD-certified provider to deliver services. A variety of experienced agency and individual providers participate in Lorain County’s Supported Living Provider Pool.

Waiting List

Waiting lists for supported living are maintained by the SSA Department of the Lorain County Board. There is a separate waiting list for each source of supported living service funding. Waiting list applications can be obtained by contacting the SSA office. Specific questions will be referred to a staff member within the Service and Support Administration department.


A detailed Individual Service Plan (ISP) is developed with each consumer of Support Living services. The ISP (which also serves as a job description for the provider) identifies all services and supports necessary for an individual to be successful in the least restrictive setting. A Service and Supported Administrator develops the ISP with active input from the individual, guardian, family members, current caregivers, and any other individuals whom the consumer chooses to involve in the process.

The ISP identifies supports in the following areas: Rights, Self-determination. Physical Well-being, Emotional Well-being, Material Well-being, Personal development, Interpersonal relationships and Social Inclusion/ Community connections.

Recognizing the individuals’ needs and preferences change over time, the ISP is a flexible plan which can be adjusted to reflect those changes.

Program Monitoring

The SSA staff provide on-going oversight of all Supported Living services which includes a quality review of the services listed within the ISP. In addition, the SSA department conducts a formal Provider Compliance Review for each Supported Living provider at least once every three years.

Contact Information

Lorain County Board of Developmental Disabilities
9740 Murray Ridge Road
Elyria, OH 44035-4805
Telephone: (440) 324-2366
Fax: (440) 322-0588

< 2025 >