1091 Infirmary Road, Elyria, OH 44035

(440) 329-3734
Business Dept fax (440) 322-2683
HR Dept fax (440) 284-0001

SSA/Behavior Analyst


Location: Murray Ridge Center



Bachelor’s degree in human services or related field and have at least three years of paid, full-time (or equivalent part-time) experience in developing and implementing behavioral support and/or risk reduction strategies or plans, or hold a professional license/certification issued by one of the following Ohio boards: psychology, medical, or counselor and social worker. Must possess or be able to obtain, upon hire, DODD Service and Support Administrator certification.

Demonstrated, successful experience specifically with children and families in the application of behavioral intervention. Experience providing direct behavioral intervention with children on the Autism Spectrum. Knowledge of behavior intervention techniques, impact of environments on behaviors, and sensory integration and relaxation techniques; ability to apply this knowledge in providing behavior intervention services. Knowledge of community resources.

Proficiency with computer, phone and other related technology. Proficiency with Windows-based operating environment; Microsoft Outlook Excel and Word; and using the internet. Must be able to use computer to complete tasks as required.

Possess a high level of detail orientation. Excellent mastery of language. Strong writing skills. Ability to clearly communicate verbally and in writing.

Must demonstrate the willingness and ability to follow detailed instructions, procedures, processes, and protocols.

Must have a valid Ohio driver’s license and an insured personal vehicle to use while on agency business. Must have a good driving record.

Must have a history of satisfactory job performance. Must have a record of reliable work attendance. Must have good interpersonal skills.

Must be able to meet all requirements and obtain all certificates required to perform the job or any aspect of the job, and to access funding for performance of any aspect of the job.


Board Certified Behavior Analyst

Fluent in Spanish as well as English

Demonstrated, successful experience with adults, children and families in the application of trauma informed care


Based upon training, conduct comprehensive behavioral analysis, identifying contextual precursors and probable causes of target behaviors in an individual’s various environments. Based on analyses, for the purpose of bringing about desired change, recommend options that are consistent with accepted behavior principles. Identify behavior supports and programs based on individual assessed needs and preferred ways of meeting such needs. Facilitate development of behavior support strategies, and lead/attend related meetings.

Assist individuals in selecting providers of their choosing for behavior support services, as applicable. Ensure that behavior services and supports are effectively coordinated and provided by applicable providers.

Consult formal and informal caregivers regarding implementation of behavioral interventions for individuals with damaging behaviors; perform on-site, in-person observations/consultations. Review the effectiveness and impact of and, as indicated, update and revise behavior support strategies.

Be knowledgeable of, complete referrals for, participate in and provide leadership on the follow up recommended as a result of technical assistance programs for addressing damaging behaviors of youth and adults.

Monitor for and facilitate plans of correction for cases of abuse, neglect or exploitation of individuals with developmental disabilities.

Communicate in a positive reassuring way with eligible individuals and their families.

Perform eligibility assessments for county board services, as assigned.


Generally, an approved 40 hour per week schedule, Monday-Friday. Flexible as needed.


Level 6.5 – SSA


280 calendar days


This agency supports the full intent and goals of Equal Employment Opportunities and insures that all employees and applicants will be afforded equal opportunities for appointment, promotion, training, career advancement and recognition without regard to mental handicap, physical handicap, sex, race, color, religion, national origin, age or political affiliation.

R. December 2021

< 2025 >